Saturday, 4 February 2012

9 Ways To Make A First Class In The University

               It is true that the method of assuming academic success is not applicable to everybody. However, there are specific principles that you can follow in order to guarantee academic success during your time at the University. The department or course notwithstanding, earning a reputation for yourself with that CGPA or aiming to be the best in your faculty or the university depends on most of these frequently overlooked but important cues.
#9 - Take Extensive Notes
            Probably the most tedious of our top 10, maintaining a consistent habit of taking good notes is hard to do. In our present world, many students find it difficult to maintain their focus long enough to record the information given out during lectures. The advantage being that when time comes to write a quiz/test/exam, you'll be glad you have that pile of notes to review and refresh your brain with. Taking good notes is an act of learning in itself. This small but potent act goes a long way to creating the foundation for a quintessential and unparalleled understanding of the material being covered.
An excellent method is also to scribble down everything that seems useful in some manner, almost as if you were transcribing the lecture. Later, transfer and rewrite the notes into an understandable form in another notebook. This will cement the information into your mind, moving the material from your short term memory into your long term. Time and again, we seem to understand a lecture when it is delivered. Unfortunately though, a week later or two we seem to lose almost every point that was made. Note taking is one of the best ways to consolidate short term memory into long term.
#8 - Obtain Old Exams Question papers and Assignments from your senior colleagues to procure a satisfactory idea of what subject matter the instructors are most likely to test you on.    They are even more useful because you can attempt the exam/assignment as a check of knowledge, identifying weak areas that you musttake into further considerationor re-study. Last semester, I was studying gluconeogenesis in Medical Biochemistry and a senior colleague of mine happened to pass by. He appeared interested and proceeded to supply me a couple of past questions. One was “Gluconeogenesis is not necessarily the reversal of Glycolysis. Explain”. Propitiously, in my end of semester examination, it was asked exactly as I was given in Number 2. It was worth 10 marks. See?
            One common tactic many students use for science laboratory classes (CHM122 and PHY122) is to find a graded laboratory notebook from a previous year. Laboratory workis notoriously difficult with respect to time limitation and what is expected from a student’s lab report. Having a format to follow along with is aphenomenal help. Knowing where to avoid mistakes is fundamental as well.
#7 - Begin Studying For Tests and Exams EARLY
            Between academics and your social life, time is not something you will have in ample quantitythroughout your stay in University. One cardinal act you should always make time for is studying early for exams. There's nothing worse than leaving all of the studying for the night before an important test or exam. The stress causes you to panic and you won't perform as well as you normally would if you had studied early enough. Studying a little bit during the semesterwill not only make you better prepared but will also remove most stress you'd have if you leave your studying for the last minute.
Early exam studying allows a student to identify weak spots in their understanding and to prioritize their studying accordingly. Just imagine studying until the early morning of the day of your exam only to find you've completely ignored a section that you have little or no understanding in. Don't let that happen

by Ema Matata(@EmaMatata)

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